Codici: N8MT
Scala: 1:8
Prezzo: 390.00 €
Prezzo Offerta: 360.00 €

Nuovo modello HIMOTO MONSTER TRUCK N8MT CLUSTER  Modello RTR pronto per l'uso, agile, ottimo e resistente per ammortizzare qualsiasi colpo, scattante perchè è dotato di un motore HIMOTO a scoppio Go21 con avviamento a strappo e trasmissione a 1 marcia, si presenta  montato su uno shasses in nylon, 4 ammortizzatori ”BIG BORE” regolabili con testata e ghiera in alluminio, dotato dagli importantissimi cuscinetti a sfera in acciaio che permettono una migliore presa e resa nella distribuzione della potenza.Un vero successo, riprodotto e curato in ogni particolare, "Bello" per quanto riguarda la parte estetica, "Robusto e Performante" per quanto riguarda la parte tecnica e meccanica, ottimo,scattante, potente ed aggressivo per quanto riguarda le sue prestazoni. Si presenta completamente montato su telaio im metallo , con radiocomando (COD.MT-303) 2.4Ghz (ricerca automatica della frequenza) marmitta in alluminio, servo direzionale da 9Kg , servo accellerazione 6Kg, e serbatoio da 125Ccc e frizione a 3 ceppi. Modello con trasmissione cardanica, Offre innumerevoli possibilita' di regolazioni dell'assetto ( convergenza , camber, recupero del camber, altezza da terra) Disponibili tutti i pezzi di ricambio."

• Larghezza: 403 MM
• Altezza: 248 mm
• Passo: 370MM
• Motore Go21
• Radio 2.4g
• servo direzionale da 9Kg
• servo accellerazione 6Kg
• serbatoio •125 CC
• Marmitta Cromata


02372B 25TSquadretta servo in alluminio CNC 1/8 1/10 1/16 (25T)/Alum Servo Arm 1p9.90 €02372b.jpg-
02372GSquadretta servo in alluminio CNC 1/8 1/10 1/16 (25T)/Alum Servo Arm 1p9.90 €02372-1-jpgok
02372R 25TSquadretta servo in alluminio CNC 1/8 1/10 1/16 (25T)/Alum Servo Arm 1p9.90 €02372R.jpg-
02057Tubi Per Antenna/Mast 4pcs6.90 €02057
02057STubi antenna/Antenna Pipe 3P3.60 €02057S-
02155Batteria Pack 6V 1100mA Himoto/ 03823 Rechargeable Battery Pack 6V 1100mA19.90 €02155
04102; 286070 ; 04104Filtro aria Himoto in Alluminio 1/8 Himoto/Alum.capped air filter cover19.90 €04102-.1
04102P; 081070Filtro aria Himoto in Alluminio 1/8 Himoto/Alum.capped air filter cover19.90 €2019-06-25-16-26-27-jpg
08631Carrozzeria Himoto 1:8 Monster Truck/1:8 SCALE TRUCK BODY34.90 €08631-.jpg1
08632Carrozzeria Himoto 1:8 Monster Truck/1:8 SCALE TRUCK BODY34.90 €08632-.jpg1
80101Scaldacandela con caricabatteria/HI80101 GLOW PLUG IGNITER13.90 €80101
80102Scaldacandela in alluminio Himoto con indicatore batteria da1800mAh 12V e caricabatteria/Metered Glow Plug Starter With Charger29.90 €80102b.jpg-
80118Filtro miscela Himoto/FUEL FILTER7.90 €80118
80118 GFILTRO MISCELA 1:8/FUEL FILTER7.60 €801181
80135Riempitore Himoto 500cc/HI80135 FUEL BOTTLE 350c9.00 €tool_048_01
80142STARTER KIT Himoto/HI80142 STARTER KIT22.80 €80142-HIMOTO.jpg-
81082MMarmitta cromata 1:8 completa/(81084) 1/8 28cxp Exhaust Pipe 1p 48.90 €81082
81084Marmitta cromata 1:8 completa/polished aluminum exhaust pipe48.90 €81084.jpg-
820001TDifferenziale anteriore posteriore 1/8 Himoto 1 pezzo//R Diff Gear Set 1P(only use for 1/8 XT, MT)49.90 €820001t1
820036Spinotti differnziale (3*24) 1/8 Himoto/3*24 Diff Pin 4p8.90 €820036-jpg
820071; 8E017Supporto alettone 1/8 Himoto/Wing Stay W/wing Mount Set14.90 €820071-jpg
823401Braccetti sospensioni inferiori posteriori Himoto 1/8/Rear Lower Suspension Arm 2p18.90 €823401
823402Braccetti sospensioni anteriori inferiori 1/8 Himoto/Front Lower Suspension 2p29.90 €823402.jpg-
823404Set supporti carrozzeria 1/8 Himoto/Body Post 1 Set20.90 €823404.jpg-
823405Omocinetici anteriori 1/8 Himot0/Front Dvd 2p32.90 €823405.jpg-
823406Semiassi centrale (anteriore 87.8mm) (posteriore 146.4mm) Himoto 1/8/Center Drive Shaft (F87.8Mm R146.4Mm) 2P15.90 €823406.jpg-
823407Semiassi posteriori Himoto (139Mm) 1/8/Rear Drive Shaft (139Mm) 2P 2P15.90 €823407
823408Telaio in metallo 1/8 Himoto/Chassis 1p69.90 €823408.jpg-
823409Torretta ammortizzatori anteriori 1/8 Himoto in metallo/Front Shock Tower 1p24.90 €823409.jpg-
823410Torretta ammortizzatori posteriori 1/8 Himoto inmetallo/Rear Shock Tower 1p26.90 €823410.jpg-
823411Tiranti anteriori superiori 1/8 Himoto/Front Upper Steering Linkage 2P12.90 €823411.jpg-
823412Tiranti posteriori superiori 1/8 Himoto/Rear Upper Steering Linkage 2P12.90 €823412.jpg-
823413Tiranti sterzo 1/8 Himoto/Steering Linkage 2p12.90 €823413.jpg-
823414Tiranti sterzo 1/8 Himoto/Turnbuckle For 6P14.90 €823414.jpg-
823416Pins 2.5x13mm Himoto 1/8/Pins 2.5x13mm 6.90 €823416
823417BCorona differenziale centrale 1/8 Himoto 56T/: Center Diff Spur Gear (56t) Set29.90 €823417
823419Slipper Plate 1/8 Himoto/Slipper Plate 4p27.90 €823419
823420Slipper Pads Himoto 1/8/Slipper Pads 10.90 €823420
824001VCerchi cormati 1/18 Himoto Monster Truck/Chrome Rims For Monster Truck 2P24.90 €824001V
824002Coppia gomme Monster Truck Himoto 1/8/ Tire With Foam Insert For Monster Truck 2p 32.90 €824002
824003VCoppia ruote cromate complete 1/8 Monster Truck Himoto/Chrome Rim & Tire Complete For Monster Truck 2p54.90 €824003V
824004Supporti carrozzeria anteriore 1/8 Himoto Monster Truck/Front Body Post For Monster Truck Set19.90 €824004
830001Serbatoio 1/8 Himoto/Fuel Tank 1p20.90 €830001-jpg
830002Set per serbatoio 1/8 Himoto/Fuel Tank Post 1set16.90 €830002-jpg
830003Set per serbatoio 1/8 Himoto/Fuel Tank Pin And Sprout Set 1p16.90 €830003-jpg
830004Supporto differenziale centrale 1/8 Himoto/Center Diff. Support Plate 1p29.90 €830004-jpg
830005Scatola ricevente e batteria 1/8 Himoto/Battery And Receiver Box 1p26.90 €830005-jpg
830007SPESSORI 1/8 Himoto/Stopper 4p13.90 €830007-jpg
830009Piastrine Freno 1/8 Himoto/Brake Pad 4p6.90 €830009-jpg
830010Dischi Freno 1/8 Himoto/Brake Disc 2p6.90 €830010-jpg
830011Leve Freno 1/8 Himoto/Brake Linkage 2p5.90 €830011-jpg
830012Campana Frizione 1/8 Himoto/Clutch Bell 14t 1p24.90 €830012-jpg
830013Volano motore 1/8 Himoto/ Aluminum Alloy Flywheel 18.90 €83013
830014Frizione completa 1/8 Himoto/Clutch Set 1p20.90 €830014-jpg
830015Dadi Frizione 1/8 Himoto/Clutch Nut 2p14.90 €830015-jpg
830016Attacco supporto scarico marmitta 1/8 Himoto (1pezzo)/Exhaust Pipe Holder 1p14.90 €830016-jpg
830017Molle tappo serbatoio himoto 1/8 (2 pezzo)/Exhaust Pipe Holder Spring 9.90 €830017-jpg
830018Molla frizione himoto 1/8 (1 pezzo)/Clutch Spring 1p5.90 €830018-jpg-jpg
830019Molle collettore marmitta 1/8 Himoto/ Exhaust Pipe Spring 5p 14.90 €830019-jpg
830020Filtro aria 1/8 Himoto/ Air Filter Set 1p 29.90 €830020-jpg
830021Raccordo collettore in silicone 1/8 Himoto/Filter Joint 1p5.90 €830021-jpg
830022Copri interruttore accensione On/off Himoto per 1/On/off Switch Set 1p4.90 €830022-jpg
830023Filtro spugna 1/8 Himoto/ Filter Sponge 1p 10.90 €830023-jpg
830024Viti testa esagonale 3*14 Himoto/3*14 Cap Screws 6P3.90 €830024-jpg
830025Viti testa esagonale 3*8 Himoto/3*8 Cap Screws 6p3.90 €830025-jpg
830026Cuscinetti in acciaio Himoto 10*5*4mm/Ball Bearing 10*5*4mm 6p14.90 €830026-jpg
830027Rondelle 8*5*0.3 Himoto/8*5*0.3 Shims 6p13.90 €830027-jpg
833401Telaio 1/8 Truggy e Monster Truck Himoto/Chassis 1P59.90 €833401-jpg
833402Supporto differenziale centrale 1/8 Himoto Truggy e Monster/Center Differential Mount 1p39.90 €833402-jpg
833404Set asta freno 1/8 Himoto/Brake Rod Set 1P11.90 €833404-jpg
833405; /Center Diff Spur Gear (56t) SetCorona differenziale centrale 1/8 Himoto 56T39.90 €833405-jpg
8E002; 820002Bicchierini differenziale anteriore posteriore Himoto 1/8 2 pezzi/820002 F/r Diff Outdrive 2p10.90 €8E002-
8E003; 820003Cassa differenziale 1/8 Himoto 1 pezzo/820003 Diff Case 1p10.90 €8E003-
8E005; 820005 Differenziali conici 1/8 Himoto 6 pezzi/820005 Diff Bevel Gear 6p18.90 €8E005-
8E007; 821201Corona differenziale centrale 44 denti 1/8 Himoto 1 pezzo/821201 Center Diff Spur Gear (44t) 1p25.90 €8E007-
8E008; 820007 Scatola ingranaggi 1/8 Himoto 2 pezzi/820007 Gear Box 2p18.90 €8E008-
8E009; 820008Set barilotti anteriori 1/8 Himoto 2 pezzi/820008 C Hub Set 2p12.90 €8E009-
8E010; 820009Mozzi Himoto 2 pezzi 1/8/820009 Knuckle Arm Set 2p13.90 €8E010-
8E011; 820010Set mozzi posteriori 2 pezzi 1/8 himoto/820010 Rear Hub Set 2p10.90 €8E011-
8E013; 820011Tiranti anteriori e posteriori Himoto 2 pezzi 1/8/820011 F/r Tension Rod 2p14.90 €8E013-
8E019; 820012Piastra superiore anteriore sospensioni Himoto 1/8/820012 Front Upper Susp Plate 9.60 €8E019-
8E024; 820013 Bicchierini 1/8 Himoto 2 pezzi/820013 Wheel Axle 2p10.90 €8E024.
8E025; 820014Supporti centrali inferiori posteriori 1/8 Himoto 2 pezzi/820014 Rear Susp Hinge Pin Holder 2p7.90 €8E025-
8E026; 820015Supporti centrali inferiori anteriori 1/8 Himoto 2 pezzi/820015 Front Susp Hinge Pin Holder 2p7.90 €8E026-
8E027; 820016 Boccole di regolazione 1/8 Himoto 8 pezzi/820016 Bush Adjuster 8p8.90 €8E027-
8E028; 820017Bicchierini differenziale centrale 1/8 Himoto 2 pezzi/820017 Drive Cup 2p8.90 €8E028-
8E029; 820018 Spinotti inferiori Himoto (anteriori 58.5mm) (posteriori 52mm) 4 pezzi/820018 Lower Hinge Pin (f58.5mm;r52mm) 4p7.20 €8E029-
8E030; 820019Spinotti inferiori 1/8 Himoto 71.3mm pezzi 4/820019 Lower Hinge 71.3mm Pin 4p19.90 €8E030-
8E031; 820020Braccio anteriore salvaservo 1/8 Himoto 3 pezzi/820020 Servo Saver Arm Front 3p16.90 €8E031-
8E032; 820021 Alberi sterzo 1/8 himoto 2 pezzi/820021 Steering Shaft 2p7.20 €8E032-
8E033; 820022Set salvaservo 1/8 Himoto 1 pezzo/820022 Servo Saver Pie Set 1p8.90 €8E033-
8E041; 820023 Piastra sterzo 1/8 Himoto 1 pezzo/820023 Steering Plate 1p16.90 €8E041
8E042; 820024Dadi mozzo 1/8 Himoto 4 pezzi/820024 Wheel Hub 4p30.90 €8E042-
8E046; 820026Ammortizzatori posteriori 1/8 Himoto ad olio con testata in alluminio 122mm 2 pezzi/820026 Rear Shock Absorber 2p32.90 €IMG_2125..
8E047; 820025Ammortizzatori anteriori 1/8 Himoto con testata in alluminio lunghezza 111mm/820025 Front Shock Absorber 2p32.90 €IMG_2125..1
8E049; 820027Molle ammortizzatori anteriori 1/8 Himoto 2 pezzi/820027 Front Shock Absorber Spring 2p7.90 €8E049-
8E050; 820030Steli ammortizzatori posteriori 66.5mm Himoto 1/8/820030 Rear Shock Shaft 66.5mm 21.90 €8E050-
8E051; 820029Steli ammortizzatori anteriori 59.5mm Himoto 1/8/820029 Front Shock Shaft 59.5mm 21.90 €8E051-
8E052; 820031 Boccole ammortizzatori 1/8 Himoto 8 pezzi/820031 Shock Mount 8p12.90 €8E052-
8E053; 820032Rondelle ammortizzatori 1/8 Himoto 12 pezzi/820032 Shock O Ring 12p7.90 €8E053-
8E058; 820034Supporti testa a sfera 1/8 Himoto 8 pezzi/820034 Ball Head 8p10.90 €8E058-
8E068; 820037Viti a testa tonda (4*26 ) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820037 Button Head Screws 4*26 ( 6p)2.90 €8E068-
8E069; 820038Viti a testa piatta (4*8) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820038 Flat Head Screws ( 4*8) (6p)2.90 €8E069-
8E070; 820039Viti a testa piatta ( 4*14 ) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820039 Flat Head Screws (4*14) 6p2.90 €8E070-
8E071; 820040Viti esagonali a testa piatta in acciaio (M4*16) Durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820040 Flat Head Screws (4*16) (6p)2.90 €8E071-
8E072; 820041 Viti a testa piatta (4*26) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820041 Flat Head Screws (4*26) (6p)2.90 €8E072-
8E073; 820042Viti in acciao a testa tonda (4*10) durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820042 Button Head Screws (4*10) (6p)2.90 €8E073-
8E074; 820043 Viti in acciaio a testa tonda (4*12 ) durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820043 Button Head Screws (4*12) (6p)2.90 €8E074-
8E075; 820044Viti esagonali a testa tonda in acciaio (M4*14) Durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820044 Button Head Screws (4*14) (6p)2.90 €8E075-
8E076; 820045Viti in acciaio a testa piatta (M3*8 ) Durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820045 Flat Head Screws (3*8) 6p2.90 €8E076-
8E077; 820046Viti in acciaio a testa piatta (3*10 ) durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820046 Flat Head Screws (3*10) 6p2.90 €8E077-
8E078; 820047Viti in acciaio a testa piatta (3*12) durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820047 Flat Head Screws (3*12) (6p)2.90 €8E078-
8E079; 820048 Viti in acciaio a testa piatta (3*14) durezza 8.8 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820048 Flat Head Screws (3*14) (6p)2.90 €8E079-
8E080; 820049Viti in acciaio a testa tonda (3*8) durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820049 Button Head Screws (3*8 ) (6p)2.90 €8E080
8E081; 820050Viti in acciaio a testa tonda (3*10) Himoto durezza 10.9 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820050 Button Head Screws (3*10) (6p)2.90 €8E081-
8E082; 820051Viti in acciaio a testa tonda (3*12) durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820051 Button Head Screws (3*12) (6p)2.90 €8E082-
8E083; 820052Viti in acciao a testa tonda (3*14) durezza 10.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820052 Button Head Screws (3*14) (6 pezzi)2.90 €8E083-
8E084; 820053Viti a testa tonda (3*16 ) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820053 Button Head Screws (3*16) ( 6P)2.90 €8E084-
8E085; 820054Viti in acciaio esagonali (3*12 ) durezza 12.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820054 Cap Screws (3*12) (6p)2.90 €8E085-
8E086; 820055 Viti in acciaio esagonali (3*18) durezza 12.9 Himoto (6 pezzi)/820055 Cap Screws (3*18) (6p)2.90 €8E086-
8E087; 820056Viti esagonali (3*24 ) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820056 Cap Screws (3*24 ) (6p)3.90 €8E087-
8E088; 820057Viti esagonali (3*26 ) Himoto 1/8 (6p)/820057 Cap Screws (3*26 ) (6p)3.90 €8E088-
8E089; 820058Grani (M3*3) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820058 Headless Socket Screws (M3*3) (6p)3.90 €8E089-
8E090; 820059Grani (M4*4) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820059 Headless Socket Screws (M4*4) (6p) 3.90 €8E090-
8E091; 820060Grani (M5*4) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820060 Headless Socket Screws (M5*4) (6p)3.90 €8E091-
8E093; 820062Viti in acciaio esagonali (3*16 ) durezza 12.9 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820062 Cap Screws (3*16 ) (6p)2.90 €8E093-
8E094; 820063Dadi (Tm3 ) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820063 Locknut (6p)2.90 €8E094-
8E095; 820064Dadi (M3 ) Himoto 1/8 (4pezzi)/820064 Locknut (M3 ) (4p)4.90 €8E095-
8E096; 820065Viti a testa tonda ( 3*13.5 ) Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820065 Button Head Screws (3*13.5) (6p)2.90 €8E096-
8E097; 820066 Clips piccole per carrozzeria Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820066 Body Clips (small) 6p3.40 €8E097-
8E098; 820067Clips grandi per carrozzeria Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820067 Body Clips (big) 6p3.90 €8E098-
8E099; 820068Cuscinetti 8*16*5mm Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820068 Ball Bearing 8*16*5mm 6p17.90 €8E099-
8E100; 820069Cuscinetti 15*21*4mm Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820069 Ball Bearing 15*21*4mm 6p21.90 €8E100-
8E101; 820070Cuscinetti 6*10*3mm Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820070 Ball Bearing 6*10*3mm 6p14.90 €8E101
8E119; 820072Pin 3*17mm Himoto 1/8 (12 pezzi)/820072 Pins 3*17mm (12p )4.90 €8E119-
8E120; 820073 Pin 3*15mm Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820073 Pins 3*15mm (6p)4.90 €8E120-
8E121; 820074Pin 2.5*11mm Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820074 Pins 2.5*11mm (6p)4.90 €8E121-
8E122; 820075Grani M3*20 Himoto 1/8 (6 pezzi)/820075 Headless Socket Screws (M3*20) 6p5.90 €8E122-
8E127; 822401Supporto anteriore carrozzeria 1/8 course truck himoto/Front Body Mount 2p12.90 €8e127-
8E128; 822401Supporto posteriore carrozzeria 1/8 course truck himoto11.90 €8e128-
8E129; 822403Paraurti anteriore Himoto 1/8 Short Course Truck 1p/Front Bumper For Short Course Truck 1p11.90 €8E129-
8E130; 822404Paraurti posteriore Himoto 1/8 Short Course Truck 1p/Rear Bumper For Short Course Truck 1p12.90 €8E130-
HI7026-CRotostart completo di batteria 2000mAh e caricabatteria/HI7026 Electric Starter 59.90 €HI70261
HTX-242Radio Himoto a volantino 2.4 Ghz con ricevente a 4 canali/8E116 Himoto 2.4 Ghz digital proportional system ( Tx + Rx )69.90 €HTX-242
HTX-242TRadiocomando digitale 2.4 Ghz Himoto/8E114 Himoto2.4 Ghz digital proportional system Radio 45.90 €HTX-242T-
HTX-LCDRadiocomando con display LCD 2.4 Ghz Himoto/LCD Screen 2.4 Ghz Radio Set122.90 €htx
HTX-RXRicevente 2.4Ghz Himoto a 4 canali/8E115 Himoto 4 channels 2.4Ghz Receiver32.90 €HTX-RX-
M801Piasta frontale sospensione superiore in alluminio himoto 1/8/Alum Front Upper Susp Plate 1p17.90 €M801-
M802Barilotti in alluminio himoto 1/8/Alum Knuckle Arm Set 2p40.90 €M802-
M803Mozzi posteriori in alluminio himoto 1/8/Alum Rear Hub Set 2p38.90 €M803-
M804Mozzi in alluminio himoto 1/8/Alum C Hub Set 2p53.90 €M804
M805Ammortizzatori anteriori in alluminio 1/8 himoto/Alum Front Shock Absorber 2p40.90 €M805-
M806Ammortizzatori posteriori in alluminio 1/8 himoto 2 pezzi/Alum Rear Shock Absorber 2p40.90 €M806-
M807Tirante anteriore in alluminio 1/8 himoto 1 pezzo/Alum Front Tension Rod 1p24.90 €M807-
M808Tirante posteriore in alluminio 1/8 himoto 1 pezzo/Alum Rear Tension Rod 1p33.90 €M808-
M809Supporto centrale inferiore posteriore in alluminio 1/8 himoto/Alum Rear Susp Hinge Pin Holder 1p20.90 €M809-
M819; 820004 Corona 38 denti e pignone 11 denti in acciaio temperato 1/8 Himoto/New F/r Ring Gear 820004 Hardened Version48.90 €m819.jpg-
M820Pignoni differenziale in acciaio temperato 1/8 Himoto 11T/New Pinion Gear 820006 hardened version48.90 €M820-
M821Braccetti inferiore posteriore in alluminio 1/8 Himoto/ Alum. Rear Lower Susp Arm 2p46.90 €m821-jpg
M822Braccetti inferiori anteriori in alluminio himoto 1/8/(truggy/monster Truck)46.90 €m822-jpg
M825Torrette Anteriore in alluminio 1/8 Himoto/Alum Front Shock Tower 1P for XT/MT35.90 €m825-jpg
M826Torrette Posteriore in alluminio 1/8 Himoto/Alum Rear Shock Tower 1P for XT/M35.90 €m826-jpg
MT-300Radio Himoto a volantino 2.4 Ghz con ricevente a 3 canali/2.4 Ghz digital proportional system ( Tx + Rx )69.90 €MT-300TX1.jpg-1 - Copia
MT-300-TXRadiocomando a Volantino 2.4Ghz Himoto/2.4GHZ Transmitter 52.90 €MT-300TX.jpg-
MT-300RXRicevente 3 canali 2.4ghz Waterproof Himoto/300RX 3channels 2.4ghz Waterproof 32.90 €MT-300RX.jpg-
MT-301Radio Himoto a volantino 2.4 Ghz con ricevente a 3 canali/2.4 Ghz digital proportional system ( Tx + Rx )69.90 €mt-301-ok
MT-301RXRicevente 3 canali 2.4ghz Waterproof Himoto/3channels 2.4GHZ Waterproof Receiver32.90 €mt-301rx
MT-301TXRadio Himoto a volantino 2.4 Ghz/ 2.4 Ghz digital proportional system ( Tx + Rx 52.90 €mt-301-jpg-1
MT-303Radio Himoto a volantino 2.4 Ghz con ricevente a 3 canali/2.4 Ghz digital proportional system ( Tx + Rx 69.90 €mt-303-jpg
MT-303-TXRadiocomando a Volantino 2.4Ghz Himoto/2.4GHZ Transmitter 52.90 €mt-303-jpg
MT-303RXRicevente 3 canali 2.4ghz Waterproof Himoto/ 3channels 2.4GHZ Waterproof Receiver32.90 €mt-303-1-jpg
Q001Candela in acciaio misura standard Himoto8.90 €QOO1
R001Candela in acciaio misura standard Himoto/Glow Plug8.90 €R001-
SERVO6KGServo da 6kg Himoto/6kg Servo Unit19.90 €servo6k1-jpgok_1
SERVO9KGServo 9kg Himoto ingranaggi in metallo/9kg Steering Servo39.90 €SERVO9KG.jpg-.jpg-